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Photonic Therapy For Animals

Photonic Therapy (aka red light therapy) is like acupuncture without needles.  It stimulates the acupuncture points electrically as opposed to mechanically. Photonic Therapy uses the same points as acupuncture. The specific wavelength of red light stimulates the chemical chain reaction much the same way that the needles do.  It is proven technology that has been around for over 30 years. There are over 4000 published studies on the technology. It accelerates the healing process from the inside out by utilizing standard points for any issue that is being experienced and then adding specific points for red light application for that issue.


Photonic therapy stimulates the mitochondria within the cells which increases the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).  The ATP tells the brain to release endorphins, anti-inflammatories, serotonin and collagen: all of which accelerate the healing process.  


The red light therapy jump starts the body that may have gotten stuck.  The effects can typically last from 36-48 hours.  It can take multiple applications or only one to impact a particular condition. Photonic therapy also relaxes the muscles allowing the body to rebalance itself.  It is particularly useful in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments as the relaxed muscles are more likely to accept chiropractic manipulation. The red light therapy can also be used to support the immune system against viral invasions.  By applying the red light to the carotid artery it boosts the immunity in the blood to take down the virus. 

I can support you in your Photonic Therapy journey in two ways:  


1)  By developing and treating your fur baby, OR


2)  By empowering you to be your own Photonic Therapist and assisting you in selecting the best Photonic Therapy kit for your own personal use. Several options are available. Visit the store here.


Photonic Therapy is a very powerful modality all by itself.  It can be even more powerful when combined with Essential Oils.  Red light therapy works from the inside out to activate the cells first.  The cells are open and receptive to receiving the essential oils after the red light application. This could result in using less oils which of course reduces your costs.  In most situations, it is better to utilize the red light prior to essential oils.  There are some situations where the reverse is true.  Be sure to contact a skilled therapist for additional details.  There are also specific areas of the animals that you rarely if ever want to apply the essential oils.


I chose to learn about Photonic Therapy to help my elderly horse.  He was my first horse and very dear to me.  He was starting to have a hard time getting up and down.  When I heard that Photonic Therapy can help alleviate pain, with no side effects, I thought this is exactly what I need. I have never been a big fan of drugs and chemicals because they have so many side effects.  The use of the red light gave him additional years of high quality comfortable living.  From there, the use of the red light expanded through my family for pain relief and support of our immune systems.  


My father needed a knee replacement, as he had a bone-on-bone condition. While he was awaiting the best time to have the required surgery, he used the Photonic Torch every other day or so to keep himself pain free. I lived 500 miles from him so I could not treat him but successfully guided his use of the torch. I really believe had he used the process for healing, he may have been able to avoid surgery all together.



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